Springwise have wrote an interesting article about a new video interview application. The website allows potential employers to interview candidates for potential employment. The service is called Ovia, the website is: http://www.oviahr.com/.
This is a quote from the website:
“OVIA is a video interviewing platform that makes your candidate filtering and selection process more efficient and personal. Recruitment is all about finding the right people, not just the right resumes. Use the power of competency based video selection to evaluate candidates faster and more effectively.”
The article is here: http://www.springwise.com/marketing_advertising/ovia/
Minority Report showed ways in which adverts would interact with people. Now it is becoming a reality. A new start-up company is working on bringing this to shopping places near you.
For more information visit: http://www.immersivelabs.com/
Jason Fried of 37 Signals talking about marketing by sharing.
In game advertising is growing at a fast rate and the latest use is Mother’s day in game promotions. The promotions are added to the social games and then players can buy and visit the stores from within in there facebook and other social network games. Mother’s day has been a boost for this kind of advertising with revenues said to be $1 million dollars a day with flowers etc for Mother’s from in-game promotions.
To read more visit:
Social Game Publishers Hit Payday From Mother's Day Flower Offers
Star Trek actor William Shatner has made a reported fortune from agreeing to take shares as part of his payment for being the face of priceline.com, an online travel company.
Now Wall Street is valuing the shares at $300 making Shatnar an estimated $600 million. Nice work.
We all need some motivation some times. I have been watching some video lectures on the website www.ted.com, and on it a Tony Robbins talk.
We all need some pick up talks sometimes.
I have had what seems like a problem with so many companies technology and support systems recently. First I could not find out how to move a telephone number, then could not sign up for BT Tradespace as it kept throwing up errors, then Microsoft Adcenter would not let me reactivate my account after it was so long since I had used it and needed my new card details.
Come on guys, get your websites and support systems working! If companies want us to use their services over their rivals then it needs to work, and be reliable.
I think that in a lot of cases small is beautiful, I switch our main hosting in our company to a smaller provider and now get great support. It just helps most to be able to get a straight answer. So if you want a straight talking company that can work with you for your digital and web solutions then my companies response is so much better so talk to us.
The news today that online advertising spending has overtaken TV advertising is no suprise to most people but it’s an interesting note that the line online advertisting spend has now been formally reconised as the most spent on media.
Most of the money is spent on google ads but it also includes display ads and email advertising. As the traditional media’s audience falls and online audienace grows the trend will continue. Google have created a platform that most small businesses and individuals can use to promote their services and products, and the instant access to unlimited amounts of people at a relitivly low cost has made the move from traditional media to online easier.
Techcrunch posted an interview with Steve Ballmer of Microsoft talking about the future of Microsoft and where they are going and other things like the cloud and Twitter.
He also talks about the future of search and that he thinks the next five years will see more inovation in search. With bing starting to gain search share it should be interesting where search can go.
Below is a video of Galcos Soda Pop Stop in LA, it is a great example specialising in a product and believing in your product can be a great business.
Also this guy is so into his cola’s, its fasinating to watch and to watch tell you about all the products. They have over 500 kinds of soda product. Sometimes having a limit product range but knowing all about it can be better than trying to know a little about a lot.