Qualcomm has a competition using its SDK for augmented reality. With prizes on offer for the top AR apps.
AR apps allow a layer of information to be added on top of the real world when looked through a mobile phone for example. So maps and information points as well as games taking place in the real world are popular.
To learn more head over to the competition website.
For the world cup. An augmented reality application from Pringles. You can make Peter do his famous robot dance. Its a nice use of the augmented reality technology.
I love augmented reality and any opportunity to show off another use is always welcome. So now Lego have added augmented reality to the boxes of products and using an in-store exhibit to show off what the contents make. The video is below.
A new way of using t-shirts with webcams that use augmented reality. This is a great way of using printed t-shirts that is a noval way of interating with the website. The website plays you at Rock Paper Scissors. I wonder who will be using this kind of idea in the future.
The website to play on is:
Here is a video of me playing with the new augmented reality technology